B3 SALE 100% Pure Copper Magnetic Band 'Tiki'

Size 16cm (6 mags) 17cm(7mags) 18cm(8mags) 19cm(8mags)

Hei Tiki: The connection between man & nature, between heaven & earth, symbolises creation and life itself.

Commonly known as a good luck charm the tiki is also considered a symbol of fertility. Assumed to be clear thinking, perceptive, loyal and knowledgeable, the wearers strength is their character. The Tiki is a talisman to the Maori people, and has been regarded as a good luck charm from the ancient times. The Maori believe the Tiki represents the unborn human embryo.

SALE was $35 now $20 Limited time only

100% Pure Copper Health 6-8 Magnet Band

3500 gauss Copper Magnetic Band 

6-8x 3500 Gauss magnets. 2mm thick x 12mm wide.
This is not plated it is Solid Copper, cheaper versions are only plated and will break eventually this is strong and long lasting quality...

Designed in New Zealand By Nita Henry award winning iconic NZ designer.

We ship via NZ post local and worldwide.

Copper has been used for construction since prehistoric times, even before recorded history. Ancient civilisations even utilised the compounds in metals such as copper, zinc and manganese in their medicines and treatments. And as it turns out, copper has a wide range of health benefits!

Copper is an essential micronutrient that has numerous health, wellness and beauty benefits, from improved appearance of skin, to treatment of wounds and skin conditions, and also aids in maintaining metabolic processes, among countless other health benefits.

Your body does not produce copper naturally, so you must add it to your body from external sources.

Copper is an essential trace mineral necessary for survival. It is found in all body tissues and plays a role in making red blood cells and maintaining nerve cells and the immune system. It also helps the body form collagen and absorb iron, and plays a role in energy production.

Copper bracelets are thought to help ease the aches and pains of stiff and sore joints. ... This is then said to help reduce inflammation in the joints, as copper is a vital nutrient that serves this purpose in the body.

Pure 100% Copper. Free of lead or mercury. 2.4mm Cu
2x3500 Gauss Rare Earth Neodymium Magnets N50 Grade.
North pole magnets facing inwards in the seed of life configuration that creates an energy vortex of crossing magnetic fields.

This is a quality band with 100% copper

Copper is an essential mineral needed by our bodies to remain healthy. "Copper, when in contact with the skin, forms chelates with human sweat (sometimes seen as a green deposit under the bracelet and is thus absorbed into the skin," writes Dr. Ray Walker, of the University of Newcastle, Australia. He adds: "Think of copper bracelets as a time release source of Copper."

Our bracelets can aid in alkalising our Ph balance and aiding in pain relief. Can decrease inflammation and increase the flow of blood through blockages. The anti-inflammatory properties of copper reduce pain associated with arthritis.

  • 12mm x 1.2mm thick
  • 3500gauss High Powered 8 Magnets
  • 100% Pure Copper
  • Our exclusive design.